Bombay Sappers Association was established in May 99 on
obtaining approval in principle accorded by the Govt of India
vide their letter No 12326/CC/ BSA/ 183/ 99/ D(AG) dated 14 Jan
99. The Association was registered under the Societies
Registration Act 1860 on 22 May 99. The inception of the
Association was conceived by then Colonel Commandant, The Bombay
Sappers, Lt Gen A K Puri, PVSM,AVSM, (Retd). This is a unique
Association of members drawn from Bombay Sappers serving and
retired officers, JCOs and Other Ranks which is not so with
other Army Associations.
office of the Association has been established at BEG & Centre,
Kirkee. Office of the Regional HQ (Punjab Chapter) has been
opened at Chandimandir.
affairs of the Association will be overseen by a Management
Committee which will be nominated/elected as per the Rules &
Regulations of the Association given out in the Memorandum of
Association. A General Body Meeting is held every year at BEG &
Centre, Kirkee, in Aug at the time of COs Conference. Besides
the General Body Meeting (GBM), the Management Committee will
meet once a quarter to oversee/review the activities of the
Association. The BSA will be governed by the Memorandum of
Association and Rules and Regulations as approved The Societies
Registration Act 1980. The GBM shall be sole & final authority
for all purposes of the BSA and for making any changes,
alterations or amendments to the Memorandum of the BSA.